5p4Planner vehicle flow 生产计划
  • 吉林省-长春
  • 工作经验:3-5年

工作内容简介 Tasks/ Responsibilities:

1.Coordination of the local Team and escalation of problems

2.Developing long-term, medium-term and short-term vehicle production planning strategies, including production and sales matching, capacity utilization and resource utilization to support the achievement of profit targets and sales volume targets.


3.Based on the market trend of the company's products, build the management system of the company's vehicle inventory, including the overall inventory, in-stock inventory, etc., to support the company's inventory control strategy.


4.Draw up implementation methods for the new products merged into series production line according to the product planning, including time reservation requirements for modifications, commissioning and shutdown, to ensure that the production plan is executable and the project is carried out effectively.


5.Develop the overall 1-2 year vehicle production plan, including production quantities, production speed, calendars, shifts, organizational schemes, costs and economics, in accordance with the sales demand and production planning strategies of company, to support the achievement of the company's sales targets.


6.Develop the production plan for the switchover of the old and new products according to the project progress of the company's old and new products, including the switchover time and lap time to ensure the demand for the retirement of the old products and the demand for the launch of the new products.


7.Establish planned working hour management programmes, including working hour calculation models, working hour borrowing and lending programmes and optimisation measures, in accordance with the production targets and working hour regulation requirements, to ensure staff working hour compliance and enhance flexibility of staff .


8.Formulate the entire vehicle demand plan used for material verification according to the future trend of sales demand, including the demand plan for complete vehicle parts, stamped steel plates and self-made batteries to ensure the timely and accurate supply of materials required for the production plan.


9.Formulate production plan, plan for the next 2-5 years according to the PR sales plan, including production and sales matching, shifts and working days, proposals for capacity layout optimization, production working hours for complete vehicles and spare parts, planning for press in-house and outsourced capacity, spare parts capacity preparation, etc. to ensure the realization of the PR sales plan.


10.Establish and optimize the production planning digitalization platform, including model establishment, calculation logic, data definition, evaluation parameters, active alarms, production and sales data analysis, etc., in order to realize the digitalization and intelligence of production planning according to the strategic requirements of efficient response to customers.

根据高效响应客户战略要求,建立并优化生产计划数字化平台,包括模型建立、计算逻辑、数据定义 ,评价参数、主动报警、产销数据分析等,实现生产计划数字化、智能化;

任职资格要求 Qualification / Requirements:

1. 国内统招大学本科及以上学历,或已取得教育部留学服务中心认证的“学历学位认证书”的本科及以上学历留学生。

Full-time domestic undergraduate degree or above, or international students with undergraduate degree or above.


2 years or more relevant working experience.

3.国内高校毕业生大学英语四级(CET-4 425分)及以上;海外高校毕业生须达到同等水平;较好的英语或德语阅读能力,能够进行日常对话。

Graduates from domestic universities with CET-4 425 or above; graduates from overseas universities must reach the same level; good reading ability in English or German and able to conduct daily conversation.
