Adv. Sp. Digital Product Management/ 采购和供应链数字化项目管理
Corporate Division: Purchasing& QMT
Division, located in Shenyang/China
Employment - full time
· 识别需求:准确理解目标用户群体的业务需求,分析行业趋势,识别项目中管理产品应有的特性和功能。
· 研究与分析:进行研究和分析,从用户处收集信息,提炼需求,评估需求是否应纳入项目范围。
· 安全评估:协助IT部门完成所有与安全有关的评估,包括但不限于信息安全、个人信息保护,与第三方签订数据处理协议(DPA)。
· 预算计划与审批:在项目成本预估基础上,评估并推进预算审批流程,确保项目成本得以释放。
· 设计与原型制作:设计产品框架,利用现有或即将推出的数字产品,尝试可视化产品,并与用户测试潜在功能。
· 确保开发:在开发阶段持续优化需求,运用敏捷工作模型,确保项目进度和质量。
· 测试:审查交付成果,安排用户测试,确保交付成果符合需求。
· 质量保证:跟进测试结果,评估bug及可能考虑纳入项目的新需求。
· 培训:确保培训材料和用户指南准备就绪,根据交付成果大小开展线上/线下培训。
· 变更管理:主动宣传交付成果,确保项目中所有变更在用户群中得到沟通。
· 维护与支持:提供持续支持,确保新功能或系统的平稳过渡,记录并评估额外需求,考虑新项目或改进现有系统。
· 完成由上级经理指派的与本职位相关的其他任务。
· 硕士或学士学位;至少4年汽车行业经验。
· 具有编程开发能力
· 有丰富的采购业务管理经验,熟悉采购相关的业务流程。
· 具备产品管理和项目管理经验,能够有效协调团队和项目进度。
· 有数据分析和问题解决能力,能够通过数据分析和系统使用报告,评估并改善系统性能和功能。
· 具备市场与竞争情报分析能力,理解市场趋势和竞争对手动态,制定相应的产品和商业策略。
· 有出色的沟通与协调能力,能够有效地与内外部利益相关方沟通协调,确保P2P流程高效运行。
· 具备团队管理和领导力,能够激励和引导团队成员达成共同目标。
· 英语书面和口语能力优秀。
· 有创新和变革管理技能,能够推动优化和升级,实现商业和产品创新。
· 汽车行业背景:4-6年
· 项目管理经验:4-6年
· Plan, execute, and deliver projects on time, within budget and to the satisfaction of clients or stakeholders.
· The overall goal involves developing project plans and timelines, managing budgets and resources, using project management tools and methodologies, and ensuring effective communication and collaboration between team members, stakeholders and vendors.
· Continuously improve knowledge and stay up-to-date industry trends and best practice, ensure the quality and usability of the digital project outcome.
Key Responsibilities
· Identify Requirements: Accurately understand the business requirement of the target user groups, analyzing the industry trends and identifying the features and functionalities that the managed product in the project should have
· Research and Analysis: Conduct research and analysis, gather information from the user, refine the requirements and evaluate whether the requirement should be taken into the scope of the project
· Security Assessment: Assist IT department for all security related assessment, including but not limited to information security, personal information protection, sign DPA with 3rd party etc
· Budget Plan and approval: with the estimation of project cost, evaluate and proceed to budget approval circles to get the cost released for the project
· Design and Prototyping: Design the product landscape, utilize current or to be digital products, try to visualize the product and test the potential functionality with users
· Ensure Development: Continuously refine the requirement during development phase, using agile working model to ensure the project progress and quality
· Testing: Review the deliverables, arrange user testing, ensure the deliverables meets the requirements
· Quality Assurance: follow up testing results, evaluate bugs and potential new requirements that could be taken in consideration of the project
· Training: Ensure the training materials, user guides are ready, conduct online/offline trainings according to the size of deliverables
· Change Management: proactively promote the deliverables and ensure all the changes within the project are communicated among the user group
· Maintenance and support: Provide ongoing support during hyper-care phase, ensure the smooth transaction of the new functionality or system, record and evaluate additional requirements and consider new projects or improve the current system
· Others tasks related to this position assigned by line manager
· Master Degree / University Min. 4 year experience automotive industry
· Have extensive experience in procurement business management, familiar with all aspects of the purchasing process and related business processes
· Have experience in product management and project management, able to effectively coordinate teams and project schedules
· Have data analysis and problem-solving skills, able to evaluate and improve the system performance and functionality through data analysis and system utilization reports
· Have market and competitive intelligence analysis skills, understand market trends and competitors' dynamics, and develop corresponding product and business strategies
· Have excellent communication and coordination skills, able to effectively communicate and coordinate with internal and external stakeholders, ensuring efficient P2P process operations
· Have team management and leadership skills, able to encourage and guide team members to achieve common goals
· Good command of written and spoken English
· Have innovation and change management skills, able to drive optimization and upgrades, achieve business and product innovation
· Background in automotive industry 4-6 Years
· Project Management 4-6 Years